Parents Teacher Meeting:- School organises the parents teacher meeting monthly in school to have better interaction with students, parents, teacher, co-ordinators and Principal. It will be almost, in every month and before as well as after every exam, and it is mandatary for parents to attend.
Computer Lab:- The school has a magnificent computer lab to accommodate the students for theory and practical classes. All the computers are equipped with latest technology in orderto make the students computer savvy. All the computers are connected in a local Area network using windows xap pper to peer network topology.
Music:- Music serves as an aesthetic and an audio experience. This experience basically involves the mind in an appealing way with the help of sounds.The School gives due credits to music by providing music periods in the school time table. The students are not only trained in vocal music but also ininstrumental music.
LIBRARY:- Library caters to ^L , education, information and recreational requirements of the school. We have a well-stocked and rich collection of books on various subjects.The library has a greatnumberofbooks, may reference books covering topics, like Dictionaries, Atlas, Science, History, Geography, Art and Books of Knowledge Encyclopedias etc. Journals, Magazine and Newspapers are an easy access for the students & teachers .
PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY & BIOLOGY LAB:-The school has well-equipped and greandiose separate lab for each Physics, Chemistry and Biology. They are specious enough to accommodate 50 students at a time. The labs serve as the best means to give students a platform for active learning and for the development of innovative apparatuses and methods to test & verify the established scientific theories & paradigms.
GAMES:- "Tallent wins games, but team work and intelligence wins Championships" .
A game is a structured form of play usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as a an educational tool. Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge and interaction. Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation and often both.
The students participate in their favorite sporting activity which includes basketball volleyball etc. to improve respective sports, we have engaged expert coaches who impart in invaluable tips to students.